HAMS: Harm Reduction for Alcohol

Carbs, Sugar, and Alcohol Content of Various Drinks

This table can be scrolled with the scroll bar at the bottom if you are on a small screen device like a mobile phone.

carbs, sugar, calories, and alcohol
beverage quantity quantity calories carbohydrates sugars alcohol
cola 12 oz 1 can 136 35 gm 33 gm 0 gm
beer 12 oz 1 standard drink 153 13 gm 0 gm 14 gm
red wine 5 oz 1 standard drink 125 4 gm 1 gm 16 gm
white wine 5 oz 1 standard drink 122 4 gm 1.5 gm 15 gm
red wine 750 ml 1 standard bottle 625 20 gm 5 gm 80 gm
white wine 750 ml 1 standard bottle 610 20 gm 7.5 gm 75 gm
80 proof spirits 1.5 oz 1 standard drink 97 0 gm 0 gm 14 gm
80 proof spirits 750 ml 1 "fifth" 1623 0 gm 0 gm 236
80 proof spirits 1000 ml 1 liter 2164 0 gm 0 gm 314

To get the same number of carbs contained in one 12 oz can of coca cola one would need to roughly two 750 ml bottles of wine or almost three 12 oz cans of beer. To get the same amount of sugar contained in one 12 oz can of coca cola one would need to drink roughly 6 bottles of red wine or 4 bottles of white wine. It can't be done with beer, as beer normally has no sugar content.


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HAMS is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit incorporated in the state of New York
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