Care of Kenneth Anderson
424 South 48th Street Apt A2
Philadelphia, PA 19143
HAMS is a 501(c)3 not for profit incorporated in the state of New York; all contributions are tax deductible.
Every dollar you contribute to HAMS can help to save a life. Harm reduction is the last house on the block for those who have been failed by rigid programs which demand perfect abstinence or perfect moderation. Not everyone can be perfectly moderate or perfectly abstinent, but everyone is capable of making at least some small positive step for the better. Low threshold programs like HAMS help people to make this first small baby steps which can eventually turn into huge leaps and bounds.
HAMS saves the lives of both drinkers and non-drinkers alike by promoting safer drinking and doable goals. Donate to HAMS today and the life you save may be your own.