HAMS: Harm Reduction for Alcohol

Drink Charting

Many people at HAMS find that it is extremely useful to chart their drinks every day. Many people find that the act of charting helps them to reduce their drinks in and of itself. We offer you a blank chart which you can print out and use by circling values and filling in the blanks and also a sample chart to show you how it can be filled out.

Note: Some people might choose to post a drink range (for example 3 to 5 drinks) in their plan rather than an exact drink number. Either way is okay as long as it works for you.

Blank drinking chart

Sample drinking chart

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HAMS: Where Better is Better!

© 2019 The HAMS Harm Reduction Network, Inc.
HAMS is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit incorporated in the state of New York
Under 21? Please visit Students for Safe Drinking